The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) is the Education, Outreach, and Awareness (EOA)
coordinator for this project, overseeing the programs, connecting evaluators and stakeholders, and
developing materials and messaging for a variety of audiences.
In addition to ongoing technical assistance (including 1-on-1 media training), the EOA provides a webinar series scheduled for the third Friday of each month. The CRDP Monthly webinar provides tools necessary to elevate/highlight community needs, identify and explore mental health funding resources and opportunities, and innovatively tell community defined success stories. This includes presentations from subject experts from across the policy, mental health, and media landscape. Knowledge is power and we hope to equip each program with the tools they need to amplify and uplift their experiences and stories. Each webinar is recorded and posted online for public access along with any materials presented (including questions answered, presentation slides, and references).
For more information and access to EOA webinar archives, click below:
The EOA, in collaboration with media experts, creates materials to support the CRDP community promote the work of community defined mental health solutions. This has included development of a ‘brand identity’ (e.g. logos, visual design elements), strategic messaging for media engagement (tailored to multiple audiences), promotional materials (brochures, one-pager, etc.) advocacy toolkits and platforms such as this website. This includes extensive stakeholder feedback from within the CRDP community and involves the voices of the larger set of communities represented across all five priority populations.
Additionally, an ongoing series of media forums has been launched connecting local media outlets to the pilot project organizations (IPPs) in their region for events that showcase each organization’s community impact while also building capacity and relationships for further collaboration. All pilot project organizations have completed one-on-one media strategy training as part of capacity building. To date, all IPP organizations have been approached to schedule regional media forums and nearly all 35 have successfully held events with capacity building technical assistance facilitated by the EOA team.
Sharing our stories, the successes and challenges, in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way is important for both the storytellers and readers. Showcasing our communities in an authentic way and representing their resilience and community-based solutions is a piece of the larger work in combating systemic racism. This includes sharing our stories in ways that go beyond traditional newspapers and radio, and include forms of new media including podcasts and social media.
Learn more about the regional media forum event series:
Supporting the proliferation of community defined solutions includes the on-going need for high quality data demonstrating rigor and illuminating the realities of the 5 priority populations being served by the CRDP. To that aim, the EOA has embarked on a first of its kind mental health poll designed to explore perceptions, attitudes and barriers to care experienced by diverse communities across California currently. A consistent identified knowledge gap has been including consumer perspectives that reflect diversity along the dimensions of race/ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, non-English speaking communities and language access are crucial areas of investigation as well.
In order to do this, the EOA team has recruited NORC at the University of Chicago to provide expertise, development and implementation of the California Communities Mental Health Services Survey. NORC worked closely with the OHE to ensure alignment with CRDP Evaluation.
Survey administration has been planned to include the most commonly spoken languages across the State: English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Tagalog, Vietnamese and Korean.
For more information, learn more here:
The EOA team at CPEHN is:
- Kiran Savage-Sangwan, Executive Director
- Mihae Jung, Director of Community Advocacy
- Carolina Valle, Senior Policy Manager
- Joel N Jenkins, Senior Community Advocacy Coordinator
In order to accomplish this work, the EOA has collaborated with the following persons & organizations:

CPEHN Staff Photos

In order of appearance: Mihae Jung, Joel N Jenkins, Kiran Savage-Sangwan, Carolina Valle
A special thanks to Joaquin Alvarado, Joel Juarez, and the team at StudioToBe.