Cross Population Sustainability Steering Committee

About Us

In May 2019, Safe Passages (IPP in the African American hub) convened the Cross Population Sustainability Steering Committee comprised of the CRDP community-based providers from the 5 populations to advocate for sustainability of the CRDP and scalability of CDEPs. Since that time, the unique coalition of 35 community-based providers has developed and implemented statewide and local advocacy strategies to expand awareness of the CRDP and the CDEPs towards addressing the systemic racism within the mental health system.

To date, key Committee activities include: Advocacy at key legislative hearings and policy meetings to inform key stakeholder groups about the CRDP and mental health disparities more generally; Coalition building among the 5 CRDP populations; Advocacy regarding the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 and the civil unrest resulting from the racial injustice reckonings; and Conceptualization and production of Sustainability Summit.

Current News


(December 2020 - January 2021)

1. CRDP Presentation to the Advisory Board to the Office of Health Equity, CAPHD  

Goal: Ask the Advisory Committee to make CRDP sustainability one of their priorities.
When: Wednesday, December 2 @ 10:45-11:30 am.  
Where: Zoom Meeting  
Who: Cross Population Sustainability Committee will present.  This is a public meeting.

2. CRDP Meeting with Interim Director Shewry, California Department of Public Health and other State Agency Representatives

Goal: Engage CADPH in conversation about how the department can support CRDP extension and sustainability.
When: Tuesday, December 15 @ 1-3 pm. 
Where: Zoom Meeting  
Who: CRDP representatives from each population hub and stakeholder groups. This is not a public meeting. 

3. Governor’s Behavioral Health Task Force Meeting  

Goal: Advocate for the inclusion of CDEPs in California’s Behavioral Health Plan that will guide policy and investment for next 5 years.
When: Thursday, January 7, 2021, 10 am-1 pm.
Where: Zoom Meeting
Who: Task Force Representatives include Sonya Young Adaam, California Black Women’s Health Initiative (AA IPP), and Kiran Savage-Sangwan, CPEHN (EOA). This is a public meeting. Currently, CDEPs are not part of the conversation. Including CDEPs as part of the Governor’s Behavioral Health Plan would be a major systems change. The CPSSC and many IPPs sent letters to the Task Force advocating for CDEPs to be part of the plan. REMDCO and CPEHN also sent recommendations that many IPPs and CRDP partners supported.

4.  Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)

Goal: Advocate for the MHSOAC to invest in the CRDP.
When: The Month of December 2020.
Where: Zoom or other video conferencing platforms.
Who: Select IPPs will be requested to reach out to MHSOAC Commissioners.

5. Legislative Meetings  

Goal: 1) Introduce the CRDP to key legislative leaders in CA Senate and Assembly; and 2) and attempt to secure support or sponsorship for CRDP extension funding. 
When: December- January  
Where: Zoom Meetings  
Who: Select IPPs, including IPPs located within key legislative districts.  

Contact Information

Josefina Alvarado Mena, Esq, CEO, Safe Passages

Dr. Nina Moreno, Research & Strategic Partnerships Director, Safe Passages