Sonoma County Indian Health Project

About Us


Aunties & Uncles Program, Sonoma County Indian Health Project, Inc.

Approach to programming

Aunties and Uncles Program (AUP) is an innovative, strengths-based program that centers culture as a protective factor in an intergenerational, youth-focused behavioral health intervention. To normalize behavioral health challenges and reduce stigma, we engage youth and their families in cultural activities combined with behavioral health education, community resources, and self-care practices.

These strategies include:

  • Engagement of youth 14 – 24 years includes engaging family members.
  • Community cultural events and workshops are intergenerational and held in community settings (central and coastal)
  • Partnerships with tribal leaders and key community members is key for effective engagement, greater impact and sustainability.

GOAL 1. Reduce mental health-related stigma in Native American tribal communities.

GOAL 2. Provide a series of youth focused (ages 14-24), family inclusive, traditional and cultural events in schools and tribal communities.

GOAL 3. Recruit Aunties and Uncles to support community outreach, lead cultural workshops for youth, and join our Eagle Council to advise AUP and evaluation design. 

GOAL 4: To develop Native Youth Leadership based on culturally traditional values and practices.

Who we are


Claire DaLuz, CDEP Programs Manager

Kolby Cordova, Community Outreach Specialist

Julie Kawahara, Evaluator

Tj Talamoni-Marcks, Youth Program Specialist 

Candace Zamora, Aunties & Uncles Program Coordinator 

Current News


Native Youth Talking Circle

Every first and third Monday of the month on zoom, from  4:30pm-5:30pm.

This Talking Circle provides a safe space for Native Youth to check in, get peer support, and have access to cultural teachings.

To sign-up contact or call Kolby 707-521-4684 

Adult Talking Circle

Every first and third Thursday of the month on zoom, from 3pm-4pm.

This Talking Circle provides a safe space for community healing, peer support, and self-care strategies.

To sign-up contact or call Kolby 707-521-4684 

 Native Youth Internship program

This is a nine-month program for youth ages 14-24. We meet every second and fourth Wednesday of the month for two hours. The purpose is for participants to understand the different types of leadership in self and others: recognize potential, develop and apply skills, gain experience, and share space with others in a leadership community.

To sign-up contact or call Kolby 707-521-4684 

We also hold community events such as:

Family Fun Nights

Memorial Gathering

Youth Big Time


Native Youth Spring Series

Native Graduation Celebration

Veterans Celebration

Contact Us

Principal contact person

Kolby Cordova, Community Outreach Specialist 707-521-4684


General contact info

Sonoma County Indian Health Project

Behavioral Health Department Reception


social media


Aunties & Uncles Program Event Gallery


Sonoma County Indian Health Project—Sonoma County